The long awaited
Kotare Spitfire has finally arrived, and from first impressions it’s been worth the wait, the first thing that stands out are the instructions, they have taken a lot of time and effort to make these right, the colour call out for each part is really good, they only reference 2 brands, Tamiya and Humbrol enamels, unfortunately Humbrol are discontinuing a lot of their enamel paints and quite a few referenced in the instructions are no longer available.

As with most Spitfires they are not loads of parts, sometimes manufacturers add pointless bits just to increase their part count, when it’s not necessary, Kotare haven’t done this, instead adding more detailing to the sprues.

Decals included for 3 aircraft, N3180 KL-B “Kiwi” AC Deere, 54 Squadron, May 1940. N3277 AZ-H “Dirty Dick” R Hardy 234 Squadron August 1940 and P9495 DW-K SJ Arnfield, DF Corfe, J Ellis & P Litchfield, 610 Squadron, June & July 1940.

The rest of the sprues are below.