Shop our AK 3rd Generation Acrylics
Explore our vast collection of AK acrylic paints. AK Interactive is a well-known, trusted brand that delivers high-quality products. Our AK acrylic paints are excellent for painting your scale models as they are easy to use and quick drying, making them ideal for applying layering and weathering techniques. Plus, they are great for touch-ups and are non-toxic.
We also have a selection of acrylic paints designed by other popular brands such as Tamiya, Humbrol and Revell.
At Scale Model Shop, we have everything you need to get started when painting your models, such as airbrushes which help speed up the painting process and give you a smooth finish. Also, why don’t you check out our range of AK paint sets? They are perfect for adding weathering effects to your model!
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